Many claim that marketing is a numbers game, and whilst there is an element of truth to this, it is more important that you gain qualified lead generation from your efforts. After all, we want your mobile marketing to perform to the best of its ability and of course your campaign to pay for itself. With most marketing campaigns, it is imperative you have a responsive dataset to work with, or you face paying a high cost per acquisition. In order to reduce the cost and improve your return, it helps to start with a larger set of targeted potential or past customers.
It is inevitable that certain individuals will request to be removed from your marketing list, but don't take this as a knock back. There is ample opportunity for database growth. There could be a number of reasons people opt to leave, what is important is inviting new customers effectively. Based on Omantel’s central Opt-out system, stats show that the opt-outs are less than 0.4% of the client’s database.
There are a number of sensitivities involved with growing your mobile database and a number of these we can learn from email marketing campaigns. As a starting point your approach often needs to be soft and you have to gain the trust of users so that they feel comfortable parting with their personal data - like a mobile number.
If a customer is looking at your site, the chances are they are interested in, or are already advocates of your product or service. The next step is encouraging them to receive mobile communications. Whilst being concise, it is also vital to explain why you'd like their contact details in the first place, how it will be used and of course offer reassurance that it is safe.
You can start collecting mobile numbers in minutes through the use of one of our Interactive Marketing Solution. As soon as someone texts in, their number is added to your Inbox in Response and an auto-reply message is immediately sent back to them (if you chose to set one up). Then at a later date, you simply download the mobile data from the Response collected and add them to your master database. It really is that simple.
There are numerous ways of getting people to text in your keyword. Remember though, just because you advertise a keyword doesn't mean that people will automatically text in - you need a strong WIFM (What's In it For Me). Some good reasons why people will be happy to give you their number include:
It is important that database growth is an integrated and joined up approach; from SMS to email and more. Too often, businesses keep marketing channels separate, whereas there is a whole host of benefits of integrating your approach.
You can obtain marketing data and intelligence through your website, your existing customers and your print marketing, also your booking process and checkout process. Try to include mobile data capture in sign-up forms.
On the flip side, mobile marketing can also be used to help obtain demographic and customer information. The important message to deliver is a clear call-to-action in your campaign.