iBulk SMS Tariff

Messages Price of Package (OMR) Validity Cost per SMS (OMR)
1000 9 1 Month 0.009
3000 27 1 Month 0.009
5000 45 3 Months 0.009
10,000 85 3 Months 0.0085
15,000 120 3 Months 0.008
25,000 188 6 Months 0.00752
50,000 338 6 Months 0.00676
100,000 600 6 Months 0.006
200,000 1050 12 Months 0.00525
500,000 2250 12 Months 0.0045
1 million 3750 12 Months 0.00375
2.5 million 8650 12 Months 0.00346
5 million 16700 12 Months 0.00334
Set up Fee 10 12 Months


  • All prices mentioned are exclusive of VAT. 5% VAT will be added to the price upon purchase.
  • - The setup fee is waived for education institutions, the healthcare sector and charities.
  • - SMS API would be charged separately depending on the SMS Plan purchased.
  • - The above rates are applicable for messages originated and terminated within Oman. Any other messages will be billed at the International Terminated Message Rate of OMR 0.031 / SMS.

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iBulkSMS Application Form Download